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To volunteer, please login to your account and click on the VOLUNTEER tab.
Welcome to the
Watchung PTO Website!
Here you can find information on upcoming events & details on what's happening at Bayberry and Valley View.
Visit often so you can stay up to date!
Questions? Contact Us
PTO Meeting
Passcode: Watchung

Bayberry Spirit Wear!
Valley View Spirit Wear!
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Click here for the Watchung Schools Website.
Click here for the WHRHS Website.
Click here for the WEF Website.
Click here for the Friends of the Watchung Library.
Click here for Watchung SEPAG.
Click here for Watchung Hills Baseball & Softball Association
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By being an active member, volunteering and participating in PTO school wide events,
allows every dollar raised through a direction donation, PTO sponsored events,
or program like Box Tops, goes directly back to the students.
Direct Donations
One way to support PTO programming is through direct donations. PTO funding creates an alternate source of financial support for our schools.
By contributing to the PTO, Watchung families help to create a channel of private funding to meet our teacher’s and student’s needs.
All the money the PTO raises goes directly back to the students, and as part of the PTO,
parents get to work with teachers and school administration to say where and how these funds are spent.
Consider donating today!
Donations can be made via
Zelle (treasurer@watchungpto.com)
Please include “Donation" in your note.
For an alternate source please email watchungptotreasurer@gmail.com
The Watchung PTO is a registered 501c(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Box Tops For Education